Resolution CrossFit Nutrition Program 2017
Who: This is for anyone looking to kick start 2017 with a bang of good health and proper nutrition!What: 30-Day Nutrition Challenge: Learn how to fuel your body with proper macronutrients, by eating delicious whole foods! This journey is designed to restart your metabolism and get your body to respond positively to good nutrition (higher level of energy, better workouts, mental clarity and positive physical changes). Cost $30.When: January 9nd through February 8stWhere: Resolution CrossFit Box and Facebook @ Resolution CrossFit New Year (support group page).
What will I need?
1. Templates with individualized Macros (if you don’t have templates, please contact me ASAP) – this is somewhat optional, but HIGHLY recommended.2. Food Scale3. A focused attitude
How Do I sign up??
We will have 3 meetings (they will be the same) @ Resolution CrossFit Box, they will likely be small groups, plenty of time for 1:1 talk and questions, each meeting will last about 30min:Sunday, January 1 @ 4:00pmTuesday, January 3 @ 10:00amWednesday, January 4 @ 7:00pmSaturday, January 7 @ 10:00am*If you cannot make a meeting, please let me know ASAP so I can arrange a time to talk to you! You can also email, text, call or Facebook us to sign up. The cost will be $30 for 30 days. More information can be found below! If you are not 100% satisfied, you will receive a full refund. Our goal is to offer you accountability and help you reach your goal. I will be available for ALL concerns or questions throughout the challenge.
What are “macros”?They are the foods that give you energy: Proteins, Fats and Carbs. Each macro plays a different role in the body and we need each of these in healthy balance. If you don’t already have a template of balanced macros, we will give that to you.Fats: Helps improve brain development, cell function, protection of organs and help absorbing vitamins found in foods.Protein: Essential for cell and body tissue repair and regeneration, healthy immune system and hormone balance.Carbohydrates: Body’s primary source of energy – glucoseDo I count “trace” macros?Trace macros are the small (trace) amounts of macros found in foods. For example: Lean ground turkey is considered a protein; it also contains fat. However, the fat found in lean meats, like ground turkey, is such a small amount that we do not count it, for our purposes of tracking. Almond butter is considered a fat. There is protein in almond butter, but the amount is so small that we do not count it. Whether you choose to count trace macros or not, is up to you; the only criteria is that you remain consistent throughout the program. *Counting trace macros allows precision in macro counting (more on this at the meetings).Ex: I count lean meat as protein only. I count potatoes, rice, et al., as carbs only. And, I count almond butter as fat only; i.e. I do not count trace macros.Do I weigh food cooked or uncooked?Either way is acceptable; just be consistent throughout the program. Your consistency will help us adjust your macros along the way. When cooking with oils, remember to count them as fats. Spray oils are a good option, if you want to limit your fat macros, but beware of how much you use; they are not free if you overuse them.Do I need a food scale?Absolutely! You can find a deal at Amazon or by using coupons, often offered at Bed, Bath and Beyond and other kitchen gadget stores!There are also tons of free apps (Calorie King, My Fitness Pal, Lose it!, etc.) that help you track your food, but you will need to know weight and portion sizes, so get a food scale.I do not use an app and just follow my templates, but some people like this idea.Why count macros?By focusing on carbohydrates, proteins, and fats, you can better optimize your diet for your physical and personal needs, whether you're boosting your metabolism, cutting fat, or building muscle.Are there any food restrictions?Yes and No. You may eat what you like, but I will not encourage junk food, high (unhealthy) fat meats, or low quality foods. You can have rice, bread, or even post workout (sugary) carbs but remember this is only if the other nutrients are trace amounts. For example: Bacon has a higher fat content than lean protein and is therefore considered both a protein and a fat, making it difficult to fit it in to your macros and the type of fat found in bacon is not considered “healthy”. Finding a balance of healthy and satisfying foods is the goal.Do I need a multivitamin?Not necessarily. You will receive most of the micronutrients (found in vitamins) you need, just by eating proper macronutrients. However, we are all different and the choice to take multivitamins is a personal choice, as well as other Doctor recommended supplements.What will I receive during this challenge?Daily emails with information and/or addressing common questions or concerns and daily accountability on our Facebook blog. You may send as many emails or texts as you would like to: NUTRITION@RESOLUTIONCROSSFIT.COMWhat does this Challenge cost?We are charging $30 for 30 days. If you do not have templates with your individual macros, that will be an additional charge of $50.If you decide that you want the accountability and healthy eating aspect but do not want to count macros, you can still sign up for the $30 challenge and not have macros. I can assure you, you will see more performance and nutritional gains from balancing nutrients.
Calendar Schedule of Events
BEFORE JANUARY 9:• Make sure you have your macros/templates and know what they mean• Grocery shop• Food prep• Prepare mentally for success – preparation is absolutely necessary!• Ask questions.• If you don’t have a Facebook page, I suggest that you create a fake page (it is a great way to blog and communicate with others. You can delete it when the challenge is over. Trust me, it helps and is an easy format for everyone. You can even make it without a profile picture. If you need help, let us know! If you are completely opposed to creating a temporary Facebook page, we can communicate via e-mail.January 9:• Start eating healthy and exercise regularly• Weigh In, Take measurements (Chest, Waist, Hip, Right Bicep, Right Thigh)• Take a before picture• Set 3 – 30 day goals
Throughout the Challenge:
These tasks should take no more than a couple of minutes:• Every Monday – “Motivational Monday” Post something that motivates you, or something that is motivating.• Every Tuesday – “Training Tuesday” Post what you did for training and maybe even add in some plank holds, a run, a sport, or weightlifting; this day focuses on a quality training day. If you cannot find time to come to the gym, post what you will do to be active this day. There is always time for something!• Every Wednesday – “What I ate Wednesday” Throughout the day OR at the end of the day, you will post what you ate – EVERYTHING – if you chewed gum, ate a green bean, you post it!• Every Thursday – “Thirsty Thursday” - Water!!!! This goal is to drink 3 liters (1 gallon of water during the day). If you usually don’t drink a lot of water, shoot for 3 liters and learn how you can train your body to crave water! Hydrating is very important!• Every Friday – “Fitness Fact Friday” – Post something fun or interesting: fitness related, something that you have discovered about yourself or others, or something you came across that was interesting to you.• Every Saturday – “Sunny Saturday” Post something physical you did outside this day, whether it was parking in the back of parking lots and walking to stores, to run errands, playing a sport, running, or walking your kids/dogs. Make an extra effort to get outside this day.• Every Sunday – “Food Prep” – Post a picture of your food prep or groceries! Sundays are also weigh-in days – you can post or email me so we can stay on track for your goals.**Look at your goals daily and set little daily goals**February 8th:• Weigh In• Re-take measurements and pictures• Assess the success of your 3 goalsWINNER WILL RECEIVE A NEW RESOLUTION CROSSFIT T-SHIRT FROM OUR NEWEST APPAREL (SHOULD BE IN BY THE END OF THE MONTH) and A GIFT CARD! "When I joined Resolution I weighed 257lbs and when I took that picture I weighed 185lbs,I also added a bunch of muscle, I hadn't weighed 185 since high school. I went from a XXL to a M/L shirt and from a 38 waist size to 32.I started Resolution CrossFit 2.5 years ago. When I started I couldn't run a mile and now my best time is 7:15. I started with jumping pull ups, then a green and blue band now can do Chest to Bar Pull-Ups, Butterfly Pull-Ups. HSPU were only a dream and now a reality. I didn't know what an Olympic Lifting movement was, forget executing one. I had health issues such as always feeling heel and ankle problems every morning and my entire body always ached.I thank you (Matt), V, Aaron, Collin , Ryan Velasquez and the entire support system of the RCF family, but especially 6am."