At Home WOD Monday, March 16, 2020
In an effort to work with each individual during this time, we will be sending via email, “home based workouts” this can be done with little to no equipment. If you need any modifications or scaling options, please feel free to reach out to us so we can help you out. If you have any equipment you would like us to help you implement into programming, we would be happy to work with you individually. For those of you with kids, we will also be posting home based kid wods.Resolution CrossFit will remain open during this time, we have and will continue to clean and disinfect the gym and our equipment, we have changed partner Saturdays workouts to individual workouts, until further notice and encourage each person to wipe down their equipment before and after use.Our efforts will continue to work toward creating an environment and situation that can work for each unique person. We will continue to do what we need to do for our members!If you would like to continue to receive these home based wods, please respond to this email, text, or call us and we will add you to our list. These wods will include: Warm Up, Workout, Cool Down and videos that review the workout. We will continue to work on improving this service and if you need anything at all, do not hesitate to reach out.Warm-up:Spider-Man Stretch, 6 each side with 10 sec holdScorpion stretch, 6 each side with 10 sec holdInchworm, 6 reps each holding in down dog position1 min Tabata with exercise(20 sec work/10 sec rest)*use tempo and control for each repTabata: 4 minutes with each exercise or 20sec of work and 10sec of rest (8 total intervals) do not move to the next exercise until all 4 minutes are complete. You will rest 1 minute between exercise (4min on/1min Rest)Air Squats1min RestSit-Ups1min RestPush-Ups1min RestHollow Hold/Rock1min RestDipsCool Down:2 min walk1 min Pigeon Pose (45-60sec ea side)1 min Tricep/arm stretch (45-60sec ea side)[embed][/embed]